

中国的建筑通常有五个组成部分来定义其存在。第一种被称为建筑双边对称,通俗地说,就是平衡。它的目的是使建筑在中心两侧看起来平等;为了实现这一点,使用偶数列来创建奇数个外部面板。围护是中国建筑的另一个特点;这是指在一圈建筑物中间建立一个庭院。这通常只在中国北方发现;中国南方使用一种稍微不同的结构,被称为“天井”。天井由紧密间隔的建筑物交叉而成,传统上用于调节温度和收集雨水。建筑的重要性是另一个关键特征; this is known as Hierarchy. More important buildings are situated so that their doors face the front of the property, lesser important buildings face toward the sides, and the least important buildings face to the rear of the property. Conversely, placing a building in the rear of the property or in a relatively private location is considered to be highly respectful as a place for the elderly or ancestral worship. When this is done, the living quarters for servants, storage areas, and the kitchen are placed along the sides of the property so that the courtyard setting can be maintained. Horizontal Emphasis also contributes to the architectural style; this is when the wealthy tend to build very wide structures in order to indicate their importance; this disagrees with the Western tradition of building up and out to signify wealth. Mythology also plays a large part in the architecture of the region. For instance, screen walls face the main entrance of the house to ward off evil things that travel in straight lines. Also, talismans that represent good fortune are displayed in many places to bring about prosperity and evade negative energy. It is also important to make certain the the rear of the structure faces the north to deflect cold winter winds; the building should have water in front of it, too.




由于当时经济和政治的稳定,唐朝被称为“中国的黄金时代”,允许各种形式的艺术蓬勃发展。在这个时期,人们在制砖和结构稳定性方面取得了许多进步,并建造了各种各样的建筑物。然而,在此后的近100年里,中国年久失修。政治和经济的不稳定、战争和政府腐败导致社会在技术发展上几乎倒退;货币体系沦为以物易物,许多重要的建筑被摧毁。然而,在经历了这段时期的破坏之后,中国建筑再次繁荣起来。伟大的建筑被建立起来——宝塔、宫殿、亭台楼阁和多层建筑都分享了新建筑风格的多样性。这种技术专注于更小、设计更好、制作更精美的结构,而不是大型、万能的建筑。明清两朝标志着帝制统治在中国的终结;然而,他们并没有停止他们的建筑工作。 These two dynasties allowed for structures to be built on a massive scale – cities expanded, defensive walls were constructed, standards were put in place. The Great Wall of China became successively greater, and it took on an appearance in which its name was more than just a name, it was a defining characteristic of the era. The Ming Dynasty moved the country’s capital to Beijing, and created the now famous ‘Forbidden City’, a place of architectural beauty reserved for royal nobles. As a sort of last stand, the Qing Dynasty created the Terra cotta Army as a sign of their architectural prowess. Since that time, Chinese architecture has remained relatively stagnant, although minor alterations have been made here and there in reference to building materials and design.
